Sunday, September 25, 2011

Departing From the Gospel

In the Saturday Men’s Bible Study that I attend at my church, the first lesson in our Galatians Study Guide by John MacArthur was departing from the Gospel. In the opening verses in Galatians 1: 1-9, we read where the Apostle Paul is addressing the churches he founded in Galatia, that he is gravely concerned that they have abandoned the Gospel message that they learned from Paul for another, or counterfeit gospel. The question for us is: how can we, like the Galatians, know the true gospel from the false gospel?

US Treasury Agents are law enforcement professionals who protect our nation’s currency by stopping counterfeiters. These agents receive special training in how to recognize a genuine versus a counterfeit bill. This training involves the Treasury Agent becoming so very familiar with what an original bill looks like, that they are immediately able to recognize a bill that is different.

In the same way, we should become very familiar with the true gospel, so that we are not confused or fooled into believing a counterfeit. Some people have only known a counterfeit and not the original gospel. What is the genuine gospel?

The genuine gospel compared with a false gospel can be summed up this way:

  • Genuine Gospel: Faith/belief in Jesus Christ + zero (nothing) = Salvation
  • Counterfeit Gospel: Faith/belief in Jesus Christ + works (something else) = Salvation

The "works" in the counterfeit gospel include law keeping, rituals, partaking in sacraments, good deeds, church membership, tithing, etc. Basically works are anything we do that adds to what Christ has done, or are things that prevent us from depending completely on Christ alone for our salvation. All other religions and belief systems involve some type of works/salvation system. Only the true gospel of Christianity is by faith alone in Jesus Christ and what he has already done for us.

Our study guide referenced Romans 3: 19-28. These verses contain a detailed theology of salvation by grace through faith alone.

  • Verse 22 says the righteousness of God is by faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Verse 24 states we are justified (declared innocent) freely (without cost on our part) by His grace.
  • Verse 26 states that God is the justifier (judge that declares us innocent) of the one who has faith in Jesus.
  • Verse 28 states that man is justified apart from (excluding or not involving) deeds of the law (good works or rules).

Remember the true gospel: Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose on the third day. Our repentance (turning away from sin in a new direction) & faith in his sacrifice alone for forgiveness of sins is what saves us.

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