Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sins of the Heart

Congressman Anthony Weiner finally resigned today, due to his antics involving sending lewd texts and pictures of himself over the Internet to women other than his wife, including a teenage girl. There are many people who are glad that Anthony Weiner resigned. Many Democrats are glad because he represented an albatross around the neck of the party coming up on an election year in 2012. Many Republicans are glad because it is one less Democrat in the House of Representatives. Some are glad to see Weiner gone due to moral outrage. There are some people, like Anthony Sullivan of the Daily Beast, who thinks that what Weiner did was no more wrong than killing someone in the virtual reality of a video game. After all Sullivan reasons, Weiner didn't actually physically commit the act of adultery. Sullivan says that what was intended to be private entertainment became public, and is no more serious than that. John Stark of the Gospel Coalition, critiques and thoughtfully responds to Sullivan's viewpoint in his article Morality for the Internet Age, which you can read at this link:

In Matthew 5:28, Jesus said that if a man simply looks lustfully at a woman, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart. This verse tells us that from God's perspective, what Anthony Weiner did was sin. Lest we become pridefull, that also means that if we are viewing/using pornography on the internet, on TV, or doing anything of a similar nature in so-called virtual reality or in our thought life, then we are sinners who are no better than Anthony Weiner. While we may haven't been caught yet and had our face plastered over the news, the God of the universe knows our heart. If we do not repent and seek God's forgiveness, the consequences of our sin may be even more damaging and tragic to us than what has happened to Anthony Weiner.

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