Saturday, May 7, 2011

Religion Versus the Gospel

Many people think that if they are religious, then they are right with God.  Characteristics of religion include being obedient to a set of rules, being “good,” blessed with health and wealth, avoiding hard times and “bad” or sinful people, having everything together, and trusting in your own righteousness. This is essentially what all religions teach and what some say Christianity is. Often, unbelievers and Christians confuse Christianity with Religion.

Jesus however, warns us in the gospels that nothing can be further from the truth; that salvation is for the humble. Jesus said that the sinful tax collector, who had nothing to offer and was sorrowful for his sin, who cried out to God saying “God have mercy on me, a sinner” was the one that had redemption, not the pridefull, confident, self-righteous Pharisee. Jesus repeatedly condemns the self-righteous Pharisees, who were the religions professionals of their time. However, true Christianity, the Gospel, is dramatically different from Religion. The Gospel is about what God has already done for us because we cannot save ourselves.

Pastor Mark Driscoll from Seattle WA says there are nine distinctions between having “Religion” and having the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Below is a summary of these distinctions:

1. Religion says: If you obey God, then God will love you. Or in other words-if you don’t obey, God will withdraw his love from you. The Gospel says: Because God loves you unconditionally; you will want to obey him.

2. Religion is prone to see “good” people and “bad” people. The “good” and “bad” depends on what religion you subscribe to. The Gospel says that all people are bad and in need of repentance and salvation. There is only one righteous person, Jesus.

3. Religion is about “receiving” from God. Whether it’s health, wealth, etc., the aim of religion is to receive. If you don’t receive, then you are not right with God. The Gospel is about getting & receiving God himself and having a relationship with him, not anything else. The Gospel is being content with what we have, and in whatever state we are in because we have God.

4. Religion sees all hardship as punishment. The Gospel sees hardship as correction by a loving Father.

5. Religion is being very pridefully aware of other people’s sins, not ours. The Gospel is being very aware of our own sins in humility.

6. Religion is focused on the external and visible, and judges by appearances. The Gospel is focused on the heart of a person.

7. With Religion, you are not certain about your salvation or whether God really loves you. You can never be sure that you have done everything to qualify for salvation or that you might have done something that disqualifies you. With the Gospel, you can be certain about your salvation and that God really loves you.

8. Religion is about self righteousness, and what you have done to merit salvation. The Gospel is about the gift (imputation) of righteousness through faith that we receive from God that we cannot earn.

9. Religion results in either pride of our accomplishments or despair due to our lack of accomplishment. The Gospel results in holy happiness, joy, and assurance because of what Jesus has done for us.

The video below is Pastor Driscoll addressing the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he plainly & clearly explains the nine distinctions between Religion and the Gospel. The video is 41 minutes, but is worth watching as Driscoll does a wonderful job of explaining the differences between what Religion and the Gospel really are.

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